'Deaf' alarm clocks

‘Deaf’ alarm clocks represent an evolving technology: Modifications have been made to typical alarm clocks so that they are more useable and effective for deaf and hard-of-hearing persons. This type of alarm clock often has at least three features, including the ability to have an extra loud auditory alarm, a flashing light alarm, or a vibrating alarm. 



In order to utilize the vibrating function, the user requires an alarm with a bed shaker device. “The bed shaker is a small device that is slipped under the mattress and then physically buzzes someone awake” (Bassett, 2008, p. 14). This type of device is ideal for people who do not wake up to auditory stimuli and for those that prefer a kinaesthetic as opposed to visual method of receiving the alarm clock’s signal.



“In addition to the bed shaker, the alarm clock … can also be attached to a lamp, which will flash in order to alert light-sensitive people, or to a loud buzzer for the hearing impaired” (Bassett, 2008, p. 14). These alternative options make this product applicable to a wide range of clients with a variety of degrees of hearing and a variety of preferences for auditory, visual and kinaesthetic information.





Bassett, E. (2008). Krown sits atop hearing-impaired market. Fort Worth Business Press, 21(2), 14-14.



Posted July 2, 2009 by Elizabeth Hutchins-Croft


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