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Educational Issues of Deaf Students
Mainstreamed students- marginal bilinguals
Acceptance of Deaf Students within the Mainstream Classroom
Mainstreaming: What are your options
Consequences of Mainstreaming
Perspectives of Students
Educational Interpreters' Role and Responsibilities
Mainstreaming from a Parent's perspective
Mainstreaming: Classroom Options
Differentiating Between Mainstream and Inclusion
Mainstreaming and students with cochlear implants
Mainstreaming the Deaf
Feeling Isolated in the Mainstream
Home Schooling
Homeschooling: The Pros and Cons
Homeschooling in Texas for deaf
Concerns Regarding Homeschooling Deaf Children
Another Path
Making the Decision to Homeschool
Benefits of Home Schooling
Using Experience Books in Homeschooling to Facilitate Literacy Development
Homeschooling in Florida
Home Education Program for Older Adults with Hearing Impairment
Common Concerns About Homeschooling
Homeschool Option 1
Public Schools
Future pedagogy of the deaf in public schools
Section 504
Public School Benefits
Alone in the Mainstream
Accommodations and Modifications for Deaf Students
General Education Classes
Classroom Achievement in Public Schools
Reading Practices for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students in Public School Settings
Deaf Education in Public Schools
Public School Placement Options
Residential Schools
Bridging Social Capital: deaf students and networks
Residential Schools: Pros and Cons
Effects of LRE
Alexander Graham Bell and His Oposition
Residential Schools Versus Public Schools
Residential Schools: Advantages and Disadvantages
Comparing Instructional Arrangements: Residential and Public Schools
An Argument for Residential Schools, Least Restrictive Environment, and Physical Education
American School for the Deaf
Two ASL Students and Their Perspectives on the Benefits of Attending a Residential School
Residential Resoltions
Self Contained Classrooms
Itinerant Teachers: professional concerns
Self Contained Classrooms: Pros and Cons
Students in Self-contained Classrooms
Self-Contained Classrooms in the Public Schools
Teacher Stress and Burnout in Deaf Education
Self-Contained Classrooms: Advantages and Disadvantages
Educational Environment and Research on Self-Contained Classrooms
Certification Requirements of Highly Qualified Teachers in Florida
Self-Contained Classrooms: Options and Considerations for Placement
Just Like Me
Self-Contained Academic Placement
Partial Mainstreaming:
The Resource Room
Resource Rooms vs Separate Classes
Partial Mainstream and Frienship
Partially Mainstreaming at the Colorado School for the Deaf and Blind
Resource Rooms: Advantages and Disadvantages
Comparing Academic Achievement Based on Degrees of Mainstreaming
The Itinerant Teacher
Partial Mainstreaming Considerations
The Best of Both Worlds
What is Meant by Partial Mainstreaming?
Inclusion: What is it and where did it come from
Inclusion: Pros and Cons
Full Inclusion vs Inclusion Educational Settings
Mainstreaming vs Inclusion
'Inclusion' Should Not Include Deaf Students: Deaf persons speak out
Inclusion: General Information
Educational Environment and Research on Inclusive Programs
Reverse Inclusion
Benefits and Limitations of Inclusion
Inclusive Learning
© Dr. Chad E. Smith,
Director of Deaf Education,
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