Laws of Inclusion

Laws of Inclusion
Inclusion is the commitment to educate each child to the maximum extent in the school that he or she would normally attend under the circumstances that the environment will benefit the child. There are laws in place that govern the education for children with disabilities. These laws do not exactly require “inclusion”, but they do require that an effort be made to find inclusive placement.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
This law states that if a school district is a recipient of federal funds, then it must provide for the education of all handicapped children within its jurisdiction. Each handicapped child should be placed with non-handicapped children to the best extent possible. School districts are required to place handicapped children in the regular education classrooms unless services cannot be provided.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
This law, which was amended in 2004, does not require inclusion. However, it does require that school districts place all children in the “least restrictive environment” that is able to meet the child’s needs. These placements always begin with regular education. IDEA requires that a continuum of educational placements be made available extending from the regular education classrooms. The degree of inclusion must be decided based upon the student’s needs, not the expenses of the school district or wishes of the parents. In the student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP), there must be a reason documented as to why regular education cannot meet the specific needs of the student. The reason for IDEA is to educate as many children in the regular education setting as possible, while still meeting the needs of our students.
Cheminais, R. (2002). Inclusion and School Improvement. UK:  David Fulton Publishers.  
Megan Devaney
Educational Issues of Deaf Students