
Mainstreamed students-marginal bilinguals

Page history last edited by Grace 15 years, 5 months ago

Deaf students in a mainstreamed environment face multiple struggles, both as English language learners and as bilinguals. This article focuses on the deconstruction of deaf students, namely a deaf student with a cochlear implant in this study, within the education framework. The sociolinguistics of applied language learning systems for deaf learners, particularly in mainstreamed environments warrants examination in prevailing education practices and ideologies. The author examines the sociocultural perspective of marginalism that functions from a deaf bilingual in a mainstreamed setting and that the findings inform perspectives of deaf education in ways deaf bilinguals benefit from an individual-needs approach.


Mckee, R. (2008, January 1). The Construction of Deaf Children as Marginal Bilinguals in the Mainstream. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 11(5), 519-540. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. EJ824593) Retrieved August 16, 2009, from ERIC database.


Posted by Grace Hamilton on August 16, 2009



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