Statewide Testing

Statewide Assessments
Statewide testing has become an ever-increasingly factor for all educators.  Under the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), schools are being held responsible for the achievements of students.  NCLB uses statewide assessments to ensure uphold this accountability.  Since these tests have begun, students with disabilities are using different accommodations in order to pass these tests. Due to the issues of access students with hearing loss bring to schools, accommodations are an important piece to find success with the tests.
Some of the most frequently used test accommodations for students who are deaf or hard of hearing include:
1. Extended Time - this allows a student more time to complete the assessment.  
2. Small Group Setting - completing the assessment in a small group setting helps the student concentrate better and does not provide as many opportunities for distractions. Auditory and visual distractions can easily frustrate a student with a hearing loss.
3. Test Items Interpreted - an interpreter can be used to interpret test items (directions, questions, responses) so they are understood by the student. This is similar to a hearing student being provided a person to read aloud test items.
4. Test Read Aloud - a student may have the test read aloud to him/her. 
5. Assistive Listening Devices - students with hearing loss can utilize their personal FM systems during the test.  This is especially helpful if the students do not have the opportunity for a small group setting.
Cawthon, Stephanie W.. Journal of Deaf Studies & Deaf Education, Winter2008, Vol. 13 Issue 1, p55-76. Retrieved June 15, 2008 from
Lauren Strittmatter